„Höchste Zeit, dass Trainingsmaßnahmen neu gedacht werden: die tatsächliche Veränderung steht im Mittelpunkt allen Denkens im Design.“
Michael Pichler
Essl Foundation / HR Person of the Year 2016
„Mit Annas Trainingsdesigns wird jedes Fachtraining zum Erlebnis. So trocken kann das Thema gar nicht sein, dass es nicht doch Spaß macht, dabei zu sein. Lernerfolg inklusive – da nimmt sich jede was mit!
Susanna Weilke
Susanna Weilke Coach und Trainerin
„Anna Langheiter versteht es in ihren Trainings die Teilnehmer zu begeistern und schafft es dabei, komplexe Themen für Einsteiger und Profis interessant zu gestalten. Die Weiterbildung zum Trainingsdesigner ist auf jeden Fall ein Gewinn und äußerst unterhaltsam obendrein!
Robert Werktanzl
Die Wertschöpfer
Unternehmensberatung & Training
„Energievoll, allumfassend, innovativ: so bringt Anna Langheiter Professionalität und Spass ins Trainingsdesign!“
Martin Eckert
Veränderungs- und Organisationsberatung
„Anna ist eine leidenschaftliche Methoden- und Wissensvermittlerin. Strukturiert und gleichzeitig flexibel, fröhlich und großzügig: dieses Training ist ein Gewinn! Der rote Faden ist bei ihr jederzeit präsent und führt alle zum Ziel. Bei ihr lerne ich wirklich was!”
Sabine Stengel
Die Ideenretterin
„Dank Anna´s Training zum Trainingsdesigner kann ich jetzt Schulungen konzipieren, die Kopf, Herz und Hand haben und immer dem roten Faden folgen!“
Nicole Szydlevski
Instructional Designer
„Die Weiterbildung zum Trainingsdesigner ist mein Weg als Trainerin, um für die Zukunft fit zu sein. Ich ermögliche bei meinem Auftraggeber UND bei meinen Teilnehmern mit diesem Wissen einen AHA! Effekt.
„Mit dem Zertifikat in der Tasche und dem Wissen im Gepäck verkaufe ich jetzt nicht nur einen Workshop, sondern begleite die Firma in einem Prozess. Meine Auftraggeber, meine Teilnehmer und ich sind begeistert.“
Monika Keil
Trainingsdesignerin und Geschäftsführerin
„Annas Training hat mir viele tolle neue Impulse für meine Art Trainings zu konzipieren und zu halten gegeben. Es ist eine sofort nutzbare Toolbox entstanden, die sich in der praktischen Umsetzung super bewährt hat. Ich kann das Training auch jedem Trainer empfehlen, der schon Konzeptionserfahrung hat.“
Ulrike Götz
Training Konzeption Coaching
“With authenticity, humor and expertise, Anna guides the participants on their learning journey and leaves a memorable impression.”
Suzanne Birkmayer
ifss Institute for Lean Six Sigma
„Die Ausbildung zum Trainingsdesigner bietet strukturiert alle Elemente des umfangreichen Trainingsprozesses. Anna lebt, was sie lehrt. Sie macht in der Ausbildung selbst ihre Methoden und Zugänge erlebbar und vermittelt nicht nur umfangreiches Wissen sondern auch die Lust am Arbeiten im Trainingsumfeld. Sehr empfehlenswert und nichts für Langeweiler und Konsumgewöhnte.“
Brigitte Frießnig Zmasser
Dale Carnegie Master Trainer
„Ein großes Lean Six Sigma Deployment ist auf ein effektives Training angewiesen, um Belts in die Lage zu versetzen, Veränderungen im Unternehmen nachhaltig umzusetzen. Bei Linde konnten wir durch die Unterstützung von Anna Langheiter ein professionelles Training für den Lean Rollout entwickeln, das alle Trainingsbelange – vom Trainerbriefing bis zu Teilnehmerübungen – auf professionelle Ebene hebt.”
Andreas Zock
RCN HPO & LSS Lead, Project Manager RCN Product & Data Harmonization, RCN Performance Transformation, Linde AG, Deutschland
„The training with Anna Langheiter was practical, interactive and outcomes based. Although intense, it was delivered in a safe, fun and supportive environment. The biggest impact was that we now have more skilled trainers, capable of developing effective visual aids and facilitation tools. The training allowed us to apply experiential learning principles to make facilitation and training more engaging and effective.”
Chris Faure
Deployment Leader Lean Six Sigma, Transnet Engineering, South Africa
„Alle Trainings wurden in Workshops in Zusammenarbeit mit Master Black Belts unter didaktischer Leitung von Anna Langheiter entwickelt und pilotiert. Dabei hat ihr hoher Anspruch an die Qualität von Training und ihr starker Fokus auf eine sehr interaktive, an den Bedürfnissen von Erwachsenen orientierte Trainingsweise wesentlich zur Akzeptanz und nachhaltigen Implementierung von Lean Six Sigma Training innerhalb der Linde AG beigetragen.”
Christiane Köhm
Training Expert Performance Transformation, The Linde Group, Deutschland
„I have had the opportunity to work with Anna when I was Alstom Power Boilers in Wuhan-China. Anna has delivered Train the Trainer and Lean Basic Trainings to the Chinese local team. Thanks to her advanced communication skills and cultural consciousness, the trainings have reached smoothly the Chinese local team. I really appreciate her energy and enthusiasm during her training sessions, it was always informative and entertaining. She is a master at keeping high the training group attention.”
Derya Ucar
Lean Manufacturing and GEMS Manager in Global Manufacturing Coordination, Alstom, China
„Ich bin vom Trainingskonzept, der fachlichen Kompetenz und vor allem der sozialen Kompetenz von Anna begeistert. Dadurch gelingt die Vermittlung schwierigster Trainingsinhalte in einer unglaublich angenehmen und effektiven Art und Weise. Durch ihr Training wurde es mir möglich, komplexe Projekte effektiv, pragmatisch und erfolgreich umzusetzen. Anna hat uns so begeistert, dass wir alle unsere SixSigma Greenbeltrrainigs mit Ihr durchführten.”
Dipl. Ing. Dr. Günter Teubl
CMO Leitung Marketing | Head of Marketing Linde, Österreich
„Thank you very much for the excellent time and education. You are doing an amazing job. Very dynamic, effective and successful, beside travelling around the world.”
Emin Öztemel
Managing Director, Cilek, Turkey
„Your training is quite different, especially if you compare with Turkish education system. You drive the trainee with adequate or basic information to self-learning. Then trainee backs to you with question marks. Then all the bricks come together with a perfect style. That means: yes you train us but most cases you coach us more. That is excellent! To be honest your training style was a milestone for me (a big stone), I am still trying to adapt my training accordingly, all above issues are a best practice for me.”
Erdoğan Günaydın
Supply Projects, Linde Gaz A.Ş., Türkei
„I have known Anna since Alstom has decided to deploy Lean Management in 2013 and as local coordinator I worked with her on Train the Trainer, Lean Project Leader and Advanced Lean Project leader trainings in Wuhan, China. Among all the trainers I worked with, Anna is the most impressive one I ever had. You are hardly to fall in sleep during the training since all dynamics makes you always fully charged; Her flipchart is really fantastic which keeps your focus on the topic while your brain does not stop working; All tips facilitate my trainer’s life and make me more confident during the training; You are easier to be motivated by her voice and gesture even for someone not good in English. So far our trainers are no longer nervous or bewildered as before, and surely they would become mature trainers after more practice. We appreciate what Anna has contributed to us.”
GAO Yin (高胤)
Manager – Quality Management & Quality Improvement, Alstom Wuhan Boiler Co. Ltd, China
„Anna is an inspiring and outstanding professional that turns any training session into a unique experience. She has the ability to transmit her energy and passion to everyone in the room, and her endless set of resources, skills and profound knowledge on the topics takes the learning experience to the next level. During the sessions I’ve not just learned, I’ve grown.I really look forward to having another chance to learn with and from her in the future.”
Inma Molina
Lean Six Sigma (LSS) & Programme Management Office (PMO) Lead, The Linde Group, Spain
„I would like to thank you for two things. You have shared your experience of freelance trainer, helping me to make first steps. More than that, I owe you for your training style, which inspires me a lot. Both enabling me to live a happy professional life.Wish you good luck, hoping to meet again in the future.”
Jan Soukup
Owner, Lean Six Sigma Training and Coaching, Czech Republic
„With experience working on multiple deployments with over 100 different trainers globally, Anna stands out as a world-class advisor and unique asset to any business in pursuit of developing human capital as a competitive advantage. While developing a problem-solving training together for a multinational industrial company, her understanding of how to design content that was powerful and impactful for an organization changed my perspective on how a training program should be delivered. Not only did the participants learn, but the behaviour of the organization as a whole shifted resulting in significant operational and financial benefits.”
Jason Berg
Associate Consultant, SSA & Company, USA
„Anna Langheiter is an inspiration, bringing the knowledge across to the participants in a very engaging and skillful way. She maintains the focus of the participants, using energizers. Also, she understands what is required of a great trainer to be able to bring the message across to the people being trained. At the end of the training she had inspired us all. We learned and she made it easier with the environment she created for us. Anna is the best trainer I have ever meet.”
Jeanette Teles
Manager Continuous Improvement, Alstom Power – Steam Business, Schweiz
„Anna is a skilful, competent and driven training designer, she sees the training design both from a trainer and trainee perspective. Anna uses a structured approach, making you think of what you want to accomplish with your training and which different target groups do you need to target. The Lean Deployment training program that was designed by Anna is “crisp and clear” with a trainer manual, trainer slides and agenda. The trainings are therefore easy to pick up, prepare and train but also to hand over to new developed trainers. The result in the end has been outstanding. In a very short amount of time we have enabled and deployed Lean and the Lean training program throughout the Steam Factory network giving great results and savings back to the company.”
Jeanette Teles
Manager Continuous Improvement, Alstom Power – Steam Business, Schweiz
„The first thing I would like to mention is your vitality and the energy level during all these long days. I think you are able to involve and train even piece of wood. The way and all applied different tools make the training process very effective. The other great thing is flipcharts. The clarity and the way how do you apply them. I am trying to use flipcharts much more now, and looking in your examples as well.”
Liga Locmele
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, AGA, Latvia
„Anna is an outstanding trainer apart from a great professional. Her energy level, capacity to get the audience attention and bring them to the desired learning outcome are incredible. This capacity is perfectly reflected in all her designed trainings, designing trainings robust enough for any good trainer to deliver getting similar results (after the appropriate TTT training/ guidance). She is more than a trainer.”
Luz Olmos
Cofounder and Director Edunexis PTE. LTD., Edunexis PTE. LTD., Malaysia
„Anna brings her unique and refreshing style to any training event. Don’t expect many PowerPoint slides. Do expect to be energised, inspired and motivated to deliver change as you leave.”
Mark Gray
Lead MBB & Healthcare IBP Process Lead Performance Transformation, BOC, UK & Ireland
„I had the pleasure to develop Quality trainings together with Anna and the combination of skills she brings to the table are extraordinary and rarely to find: creativity needed to design a visual attractive and lively to be executed training as well as technical quality expertise to cover all elements needed in one head. Further, she is professional in project management of training development, guided us through the development process, sticks to committed deadlines and the quality of delivery was amazing. Always again!”
Markus Genal-Engels
Director Continuous Improvement & Learning, Alstom Thermal Power – Sector Quality, Schweiz
„You have the ability to both challenge and inspire in such as way the end result feels relaxed and rewarding. Training has never been a comfortable place for me to be, so your mutual support, bags of energy and laughter during this week has meant a lot, and I hope I was able to convey just a little of that over to the participants myself too.”
Matt Bird
Asset Optimisation & Control Manager RUK, The Linde Group, UK
„Anna brought an innate skill and ability to hone in on the strengths of the team, and maintain a logical flow whilst keeping us all focused on an end goal. I especially enjoyed the discipline, phenomenal listening abilities and strength to adapt to changes.From my time designing training material with Anna, I’ve taken with me an aptitude to place the training objective and target audience forefront of development. The end result was a comprehensive training pack to aid any trainer effectively delivers 5S to an end user. During the time I have known Anna, she has distinguished herself as a conscientious and energetic pioneer in the fields of training design and delivery. I have enormous respect for her teaching and leadership skills, and have been pleased to work with her on many occasions.”
Melanie Pillay
Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Afrox, South Africa
„Anna designing and doing training…1. Energetic, 2. Creative / Innovative, 3. People orientated, 4. Learing outcomes driven , 5. Knowledgeable – Learning methods, 6. Current – up to date on latest learning techniques, 7. Trustworthy / dedicated, 8. Professional, 9. Prepared / organised, 10. Artistic.”
Pietro Pazzi
Head of Quality Excellence and Lean Six Sigma, The Linde Group, Germany
Mit Annas Hilfe konnte ich mir als Co-Trainerin viele zusätzliche Trainingstechniken aneignen, dadurch dass mir mit äußerst wertschätzender Art und Weise sowohl der nötige Freiraum als auch immer hilfreiche Anleitung gegeben wurde. Dadurch konnte ich meinen eigenen Trainingsstil und die Freude am Weitergeben von Six Sigma Wissen vertiefen. Auch wenn die Tage lang und anstrengend waren, so hatten wir beim Trainieren wahnsinnig viel Spaß und Erfolg dabei, die Gruppe zu begeistern.Die mannigfaltigen “Anna-Spezial” Tipps und Tricks in den BB, MBB und den Train-the-Trainer Seminaren schätze ich auch in meiner neuen Rolle bei Linde außerhalb des Projektmanagements täglich sehr. Egal in welcher Situation: Projektmanagement, Prozessverbesserung oder in Moderations-, Workshop- oder Trainingssituationen, in der Toolbox ist auch zurück in einer Linienfunktion meistens etwas Wertvolles zu finden.
Regina Grassl
Head of International Specialty Gas Business Germany, The Linde Group, Deutschland
„We have completed more than 8 Lean employee trainings with Anna and it had been a roaring success. I would like to give the credit to you. Learning is an active process and teaching/training is the facilitation of such an environment. Your sessions are the quintessence of this idea. Your acumen, energy, and open-mindedness towards cultures make you an instant hit among a broad range of people. I would recommend your `train the trainer’ sessions to anyone who is or aspires to be a trainer or even anyone who just wants to improve their presentation skills.”
Thomas P T
Pulveriser Production, Alstom, India
„Die Trainings von Anna sind sehr gut vorbereitet und geplant, und lassen auch Raum für Spontaneität. Ihr breites Methodenwissen lässt keine Frage unbeantwortet. Durch Ihre charmante Art wird jedes Training zu einem ungezwungenen, interaktiven Erlebnis. Das BlackBelt Training mit Anna hat mir geholfen, Dinge differenzierter zu betrachten und Entscheidungen bewusster zu treffen. Dies kommt mir und meinem Unternehmen sehr zu Gute.”
Wolfgang Schlaich
Director, Head of Supply Chain EMEA & Integrated Business Planning, QIAGEN, Switzerland
